Palestinian father, writer and Slovak mother, who spoke Arabic fluently and wrote a Palestinian cookbook. Although Darina was born in Slovakia, she lived in Palestine, Jordan and the UAE in Dubai for around 10 years. She studied humanities at the Charles University and, in addition to school, participated in social work training in the Netherlands, she went through various other psychological trainings in the Netherlands, such as art therapy and other forms of therapy.
She cooperated with the European Youth Union in Strasbourg and with other international organizations. Since over time she realized that these forms of therapy were not enough, she became interested in alternative ways. She went through Reiki, Arolo, Tifaru, Energy Therapy School, Quantum Therapy, meditation therapy, regression therapy and others here in Slovakia and abroad. She has been working with people for 30 years, mainly as a therapist, trainer, lecturer, coach and meditation trainer.
In order to balance energies, she also works as a trainer and coach in the business sector, where she trains new international business processes (managerial, communication, business skills and others), which she gathered from her experience in cooperation with foreign companies and as a manager. She also worked as a consultant for some TV programs.
Organising and supporting different external projects I was responsible for: