

If we focus on what we have and what we are grateful for, then we don't have time to focus on what irritates us.

There is a book called “The American Gods”, written by a British author, one of my favourite writers, Neil Gaiman. The story as a whole is about the gods that we've stopped believing in are slowly weakening and dying and new gods we've come to believe in more are strengthening, such as the gods of the internet, technology, media, modern transportation and other.

It's a very interesting thought because it reminds me that "what I believe in, that’s what I am feeding".

It is very similar to the tale of two wolves.

A good wolf and a bad wolf are fighting each other, and the question is, who will win?

The answer is: "The one we feed".

In my opinion, this is true in our daily lives, and it applies to the kind of investment into our thoughts, time and energy. 

“If we live in anger, we feed the conflict.”

Where and to what do we pay attention to in our life.

  • Are we strengthening conflict or peace?
  • Are we reinforcing anger or love?
  • Are we concentrating on success or failure?
  • Are we putting emphasis on our strengths or insecurities?


Where do we put our thoughts, invest our time and what do we pay attention to?

They say that 90% of our thoughts are negative and we see a problem everywhere… and we wonder what we are attracting and why?

Think about which deity you believe in and which wolf you are feeding.

Give yourself a task now to think about what is beautiful in your life, what you enjoy, what you are grateful for and what makes you happy, because as Louise L. Hay says:

"One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day."

Maybe you think that it is difficult, that it is impossible, because you are surrounded by problems in your life and everything around you reminds you only of the negative issues.

It's a point of view.

For example, it is said that Buddhists do not have the word “PROBLEM” in their dictionary. For them problems don’t exist. If there is something that can be changed and has a solution, it is a PROCESS and you have to be PATIENT. If there is something that has no solution and cannot be changed, it is a FACT and should be ACCEPTED and then let go. So, there is no PROBLEM in the world, only a PROCESS and a FACT.

Either we should be PATIENT and work on the change, or we should ACCEPT the matter and go on with our lives.

One final thought – gratitude

Do you know that it is said it is impossible to be irritated, angry or upset and at the same time be grateful? If we focus on what we have and what we are grateful for, then we don't have time to focus on what irritates us.

Have a smooth day my friends, feed the Wolf of goodness and strengthen that "divinity" you want to have in your life.