

The positives of laziness - laziness is an absolute and inseparable part of a human being

Someone once told me that the human brain is lazy by nature.

I dove into the research of laziness patiently with interest and came to the conclusion that laziness is an absolute and inseparable part of the human being and also of the animal kingdom. Not only is it natural to be lazy (a lion lies in the shade under a tree and does nothing, resting and digesting), but it is also necessary (a bear hibernates). And especially useful.

Thanks to laziness, humans created many great inventions.

We may call it an "invention to make life easier," but, in other words, we're saying "I don't want to do it, so I'll figure out how to make someone else or something else do it for me."

The problem with laziness comes when it completely takes over us and we are unable to do anything.

I define it differently - I am not lazy, but comfortable.

I will do my best to do as little as possible. I.e. for example, I will buy a robotic vacuum cleaner that vacuums the house for me, and thanks to the time saved, I can go for a bike ride in nature with my children, or just lie in the sun and sunbathe. Or read a book.

Positive laziness has its own rules:

  1. Don't take it negatively, psychologists say it's our duty to take care of ourselves and one way is to do that is to do “nothing".
  2. Think of it as meditation. Like “peaceful treatment”. Like when we plug the cell phone into the charger to charge it with energy, because if it doesn't charge, it turns off.
  3. When we decide to be lazy, it is important not to have any regrets. Regrets do us no good either mentally or physically. It is a form of stress and with stress aren’t able to relax and resting.
  4. Sport is fine, but it is not "doing nothing". Body, brain and soul need "Time Out". We need to regenerate. A coach once told my son that rest is a very important part of training.
  5. It is interesting that when we do “nothing”, we are more likely to think of a solution to our problems. That’s when good creative ideas often come. It is also called a "creative break".
  6. Doing nothing is not being bored. They say that only boring people are bored.

It's boring: I don't know what to do VS Laziness is: I know exactly what to do, and that's nothing.

So, if you are doing nothing today, enjoy it to the fullest and don't let anything or anyone disturb you.