Services for Companies


Company group courses and Company Team buildings

  1. Different kinds of trainings (we try to adjust the trainings according to the needs of the clients)

  2. Team building (from small groups to groups of 200 people and more)

  3. Event organising and management

  4. Conferences (organising and leading conferences on different topics)

1. Trainings

  1. Skills development

    • presentational skills,
    • communication skills,
    • sales skills,
    • management skills,
    • leading skills
  2. Self-development trainings
    • self confidence development
    • self management
    • time management
    • stress management
  3. Mirror trainings
    • self evaluation
    • team evaluation
    • company evaluation
    • work efficiency
  4. Psychological trainings - conflict management, coping with stress, positive surroundings, positive SELF
  5. Intercultural communication, business and behaviour (different cultures different codes of business – Arabic-Muslim cultures, Asian, different European cultures like Italian, Spanish, French … etc.)

2. TEAM building

  1. Sport activities (paintball, tennis, golf, football, volleyball, squash, badminton, Ping-Pong and other)

  2. Cultural activities (movies, theatre, concerts, balls …etc.)

  3. Dinner parties (Slovak and foreign tastes), wine, whiskey cognac and coffee tasting (Slovak and foreign), dance parties, wellness, domestic and foreign trips… etc.

  4. Psychological team buildings: In our team building, we focus on eliminating these conflicts in interpersonal relationships and especially on strengthening trust by strengthening 4 main elements:
    • self-confidence and assurance of individuals: "how can I trust others when I don't trust myself?"
    • ability to define a problem and express it "I can't solve a problem if I don't know exactly what's bothering me"
    • to be able to listen and understand others and be able to harmonise with them: "what do I want and what does he want?"
    • cooperation can be fun: "when I work without trust under stress and tension, I can't even enjoy the results"
    • ... and other (other games aimed at defining and building interpersonal relationships)
  5. Survival, selfdefense, music courses, make-up and fashion, colour scheme, pottery, business visual approach and dress codes, behavioural manners, etiquette (intercultural, eating manners and etiquette, Business etiquette …etc.)

3. Event organising and management

We are able to organise small and large events for more than 500 people with different exciting activities, enjoyable entertainment and delicious catering in different places offered by our experienced partners.

4. Organization and management of Conferences

5. Group and individual Couching

*All types can be combined


Intensive Language Courses For Companies

  1. General intensive language course
  2. We enable practice and aim for three basic things:

    • first of all, that a person knows more than he/she thinks, because 90% of the information that he/she consciously or unconsciously collected in his/her life in all those language courses, on television, in songs, is still in his/her head and he/she doesn't know about it.
    • secondly, we can prove that when a person stops thinking too much about the language and starts concentrating on the subject, he/she speaks more naturally and automatically.
    • thirdly, that making mistakes is human and it's okay. It is always better to speak with mistakes than not to speak at all. The effort is greatly appreciated.
  3. Intensive "professional" language course and "presentation skills" course in a foreign language
  4. Main objectives of the courses:

    • intensive conversation on professional topics, which will enable training of a foreign language in practice and removing the fear of communication in English when negotiating with a client or foreign partner.
    • presentation in a foreign language. In order to successfully manage a presentation in a foreign language, we need practice. The participant will gain self-confidence to achieve professional presentations and to be successful in negotiations.
    • the opportunity to check your skills at the training and test your skills in front of other participants, at the same time learn to relieve stress before the start of a business negotiation conducted in a foreign language.

    Other objectives of the course

    • act naturally and relaxed
    • express yourself professionally
    • make a positive first impression
    • increase self-confidence
    • development of abilities to face unforeseen situations in a foreign language
    • learn to argue and resolve conflicts in a foreign language
    • focus on the negotiation and not the language
  5. Special courses according to the client's needs
  6. The courses are tailor-made according to the client's needs. A combination of a language course with hiking, with a skiing trip, with a relaxing stay, with a tennis tournament ... and others.

  7. Fun learning not only for professionals who don't have time
  8. The goal is for the entire course to be fun while communicating in a foreign language. Combine relaxation and practice.

  9. Training of trainers
    • conducting the course through practice rather than theory
    • fun course management methodology
    • brainstorming method and its meaning
    • relaxation methods for trainers before and after their courses
    • relaxation methods for clients of their courses
    • solving problematic situations and conflicts
    • presenting information in an interesting form
    • to teach the coach and teacher to be a bit of an actor
    • games


  1. ENTRANCE EXAM: written and an oral EXAM.
  2. These tests will determine the knowledge thanks to which we will place the participant in one of the six language levels.
    Based on the testing, we will develop an assessment of language skills and knowledge. We will then develop a plan for the development and improvement of language skills.


    • Written part: reading: ability to correctly understand the text in written form, overall understanding of the content of the text, searching for detailed information within the overall context.
    • writing and grammar: the ability to express oneself in writing and the ability to correctly use important grammatical phenomena in a comprehensive context.
    • listening: global understanding of the text and then selective collection of detailed ones information.

    Oral part: the ability to understand and adequately respond to questions in a foreign language, the ability to communicate and formulate your thoughts correctly.


After the end of a language course, we can test the language level of the course participant as in the entrance test. After comparing the entrance and exit tests, we will evaluate the development of language knowledge and skills and determine the degree of development.