In this "economic" world, we mostly act according to EGO. When we start working on ourselves and start realising the difference between ego and intuition, we come to the conclusion that intuition wants the best for us.
Darina, I was interested in your comparison in decision-making. Whether we act and decide according to our ego or our intuition. Can it be recognised?
It's not easy to express it in a nutshell, but I'll try.
In this "economic" world, we mostly act according to EGO. When we start working on ourselves and start realising the difference between ego and intuition, we come to the conclusion that intuition wants the best for us. The ego usually wants the easiest way and its motivation is to compare itself with others. Ego is our perception of ourselves in the world and how we compare ourselves to others.
Intuition: Our soul, or our higher self, wants the best for us and knows what that is. It wants us to be happy, regardless of our surroundings. The soul, or our higher self, communicates with us about our best possible decisions through intuition.
Ego, on the other hand, is a reaction according to our complexes and set beliefs that we have from our childhood. It is mostly motivated by negative emotions and often hides under the auspices of logic, because intuition is not always logical. At least not in the perception of this world or in the perception of our surroundings.
In both cases, with EGO and with INTUITION, it is a feeling.
Ego: I want to because... Logical reasons actually. Motivation mostly comes from the head, or negative emotions such as anger, resentment, fear, envy, jealousy and others.
Intuition: this because... I don't know, I just feel it so...
Do you manage to make decisions based on intuition in your life?
I try very hard, but I don't always succeed. I often get on people's nerves with my intuition, especially my loved ones, because they don't understand my motives. Sometimes I don't even understand them myself, but for some reason I know that my steps are right.
I will give a simple example. I was selling my house and needed to find another piece of land to build a new one. There were a few instances where my intuition worked in this story. For example i found one but had to wait a few months before i could buy it. Everyone told me that I should find another land somewhere else, but emotionally I didn't want to. Intuition drew me to this one. The next moment was when I paid the entire price of the land before it was transferred to my name. Normally I wouldn't do something like that, but something told me I could. So I did it. Nothing bad happened. My friend almost had a heart attack when she found out.
There are many stories like that in my life.
How do you know the difference between the voice of your EGO and the voice of your INTUITION?
As I said, it is not simple, but doable. It needs practice. There is a a couple of training for that. I do this with my clients in trainings that I lead. For example you have a decision to make. You ask your subconscious a question where the answer is for example YES or NO. The first answer that arises in the first few seconds is the answer of the intuition. The answer brings a feeling of peace in the body. It is the answer before the brain steps in. The moment your brain starts negotiating, that’s the EGO.
Learn to hear the voice of your INTUITION. It is always calm and brings a feeling of peace in the body when you get the right answer.
Of course INTUITION can bring a negative emotion mainly when it wants to guard and protect you from harm. It’s the feeling in your gut. Again, it doesn’t have to have a logical reason at that moment. You may realise why later on, but trust the feeling.
For example. I was walking in the city and my friends wanted to go to bar that was close by. I had a bad feeling about it, so I told them not to go. I didn’t know why I had this irritating feeling in my gut, but I have learned to trust it. In the end we went somewhere else. The next day I heard a big fight erupted in the bar I didn’t want to go to and many people got hurt.
I am telling you, how many times have you told yourself “I knew this would happen” “I had the feeling that this is gonna happen” … “I knew he wasn’t the one”, but even though we knew, our gut told us, our intuition warned us, but we still didn’t listen.
What prevents us from using intuition more?
It's simple: Fear. We don't trust ourselves. We are not sure if intuition will direct us to where we will be happy. We want to be in control, and intuition doesn't always lead us to a place we know. Often it is something new, it pulls us outside of our comfort zone. It's about our self-confidence.
People feel more secure in the Evil they know then the future Peace they don’t know. The question I always ask: Do you want a short term hell, or a long term hell? The short term hell is change. Is listening to what we really want and make the steps to get there. It is painful but the pain won’t last. The long term hell is staying in place. Being in the abusive situation and not stepping out. Intuition is saying: GET OUT, but fear and EGO don’t let us.
Is EGO really that bad?
No. I think people misunderstand EGO. In this world it is an essential element. It is the thing that connects us to the material world. But the thing is it shouldn’t take control over us.
In my opinion it is important to acknowledge it. Each of us have it, it is a part of us. I do not believe that a person can get rid of it. You can have a bigger Ego or a smaller Ego, but no EGO? I don’t think so, but I can be mistaken. Who knows.
One thing is true for me. I befriended both my Ego and my Intuition.