

Regression Therapy as an Approach to Treatment and Problem Solving.

Therapists generally divide Regression Therapy into two types: *** Regression to Past Lives *** Regression to events from our own past - for example, from our childhood

Stories from my practice:

There are so many examples from my practice. It is so difficult to choose one, but this is one of my latest clients who gave me permission to tell her story.

My client had anxieties and didn’t know why. The anxieties didn’t have a specific known trigger. She went to many therapists and even tried medication, but nothing worked. She heard about Regression Therapy and was told, that it may shed answers to her problems. She found me through references. Before I let my clients go into regression, I need to find out a couple of information to get to know them and make them feel comfortable, safe and to create an environment of trust.
The whole session takes 90min. 45 to 50 minutes is the regression, 10-20 minutes is the talk before the therapy, and 20-30 minutes is the analysis of the regression. We go through the images, memories, symbols etc that the client had and talk about the meaning and the healing property it has for the client.

In this case the client saw her mother cry over the crib when she was a baby. She felt the fear of the mother. She remembered she used to cry as a baby non-stop, but didn’t know why. Through the regression she came to realise, that it was because her mother was always very tense and full of emotional turmoil. She came to realise through the therapy that her mother was always afraid that her child would die. She saw an image of her mother shaking and always keeping her eyes glued on her child. The only emotion she felt from her mother was fear and anxiety that was emanating from her. All the images that came to her in the regression were of her mother, even though the intention of the therapy was understanding her own emotional turmoils in life. During the session she realised it wasn’t her feelings that she was having in her life, but she copied them from her mother. A couple of days after the session the client called me and informed me that she talked to her mother about it and found out, that during pregnancy she almost lost her child because of some complications and so even through the pregnancy her mother was full of fear for her child. She also found out, that prior to her, her mother was pregnant and had lost the child. In the end this helped my client understand her own emotions and through regression she was not only able to realise the reason for her anxieties, but also subconsciously to redefine them.  

Regression Therapy Process.

Regression Therapy is one of the approaches to treatment that focuses on addressing significant past events that are believed to interfere with a person's current mental and emotional health. Consciously, a person only remembers about 6% of what they experience, but most of the information is stored in our subconscious and we can access it through Regression Therapy.

Therapists generally divide Regression Therapy into two types:

1. Regression to Past Lives
2. Regression to events from our own past - for example, from our childhood

Through Regression Therapy, small and large problems such as fears, phobias, sadness, depression, anxiety, when we are not successful at work, in love, problems with intimacy, blockages that stand in the way of success, but also many other concerns and problems. Clients can see an improvement in their state of mind by reliving the experiences that influenced the development of these problems with the help of a therapist and under his supervision and protection.

With the help of Regression Therapy, they are cleansed, reevaluated and recoded.

Regression Therapy and the Approach to Treatment

In regression therapy, a person does not have to see a specific situation or a real situation - whether from a past life or from the past, but they can be shown a so-called symbolic image.

Our subconscious communicates with us in various ways. Either it shows us in Regression Therapy a real situation that really happened, which can help us understand and solve problems in the present. Or it shows us the answer in a different, for each one of us in a unique way.

There are clients who do not have visual experiences at all in Regression Therapy, but they may have emotional experiences, sound experiences, or purely subconscious understanding.

In order for the subconscious to show us something, it is important to have a trusting relationship with the Therapist. The therapist must create an open, safe and trustworthy atmosphere and an honest, non-judgmental communication space. The client needs to trust their therapist to relax and get to the level where the Regression Therapy works.

Where does Regression Therapy Come From

Modern history suggests that Regression Therapy primarily evolved from the theories and techniques of hypnotherapy and psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud developed the concept of bringing the unconscious into consciousness. He was a significant figure during the growth of psychoanalysis, and many of his ideas helped in the development of Regression Therapy.

The emphasis on "rediscovering details of past events in order to resolve current conflicts and emotions" was, and still is, one of the basic healing methods of other healing and shamanic cultures/directions.

In our Western culture, hypnotherapy and psychoanalysis became popular in the 1950s, when the field of psychology began to deal with the belief that the past was the cause of problems in people's lives.

What is the difference between Hypnosis, Regression Therapy and Meditation?

Hypnosis, from the Greek Hypnos - God of Sleep, Hypnoo - I put to sleep.

Today, you will not find a completely uniform definition of the difference between Hypnosis and Regression Therapy. Both are a type of guided meditation. You will often be told or read that regression therapy is a type of hypnosis guided into past lives, but as I wrote, there is also age or time regression therapy that goes into the past and not only into past lives.

Regression Therapy can be considered a type of Hypnosis. For me the difference is that Hypnosis goes more into the unconscious and allows changes to be made on the unconscious level of the mind, where Regression makes those changes on the conscious level. During regression, the client is fully conscious and communicates with the therapist. During Hypnosis, the client communicates with the therapist, but does not have to remember the events that occurred in the hypnotic state. Therefore, I think that Hypnosis should only be conducted by therapists, psychiatrists, or doctors trained for this, while some types of regression therapies can be done by the clients themselves (self regression).

In short:

Meditation: can be guided or unguided. It can be done while sitting, lying down, or while walking (walk meditation). Meditation can have an intention, but it does not have to. With Meditation, we can go to different levels and planes of consciousness.

Hypnosis: guided meditation with a therapist. The client has a specific intention that he wants to solve. It goes down to the unconscious level of consciousness.

Regression: a type of guided meditation with a therapist (can also be done without a therapist - Self Regression). The client has a specific intention that he wants to solve, but it is not always necessary. It goes into the subconscious and the client is fully conscious.

Regression Therapy:

What can we solve with this therapy and what can we expect.

Theoretically, we can solve almost everything. From psychological to physical, health problems. We can also go to such therapy out of curiosity if we want to know what we were in a past life (Past Life Regression Therapy).

Otherwise, with Psychological Regression Therapy we can solve:

* Strengthening self-awareness
* Getting rid of harmful habits
* Identifying specific unresolved problems.
* Relationship problems
* It can help in reevaluating your memories and previous experiences in order to understand your current way of life.
* Relieve anxiety and distract from other mental health issues. Treats, for example, various traumas. This type of therapy will help us remember or get rid of painful memories.
* Release emotions. We can use regression techniques to find and resolve feelings from past situations, such as events that happened when we were children, which will allow for soul healing and thus improve our daily lives overall.

Past feelings or trauma can cause us to feel or behave in ways that do not make sense to us in the present. For example, these feelings and behaviours from the past can cause us to experience the following:

* Fear and phobias without knowing why
* Guilt without an understood reason
* Difficulty with intimate relationships
* Eating disorders
* Mental health conditions or symptoms
* Flashbacks or panic attacks

People with various psychological diagnoses can benefit from working with regression therapists in retrieving memories in this way. However, psychological regression can also carry the risk of flashbacks or memories of difficult emotional situations that remind us of our traumatic events. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek out a professional therapist and talk to them about your mental health before trying to retrieve memories from our subconscious. It is also essential to discuss this with the therapist you are going to for the regression so that they can prepare the you for it.

Don't worry, a good therapist will help you connect with your soul that will only let you into the memories that you are ready for.